GNU's Not Unix


Tea tin next to a teapot with tea brewing in it. A striped teapot that I found at a thrift store. Gold teapot and cup. Pouring tea Steaming tea kettle Fresh! Tea bag in cup
A white whistling tea kettle that I found at a thrift store, on top of my induction burner. A pot of tea with raw honey and pollen that my sister got me from the farmer's market for Christmas. Relax Pouring tea Pouring tea Enter Tea bag in cup
Brewing Irish Breakfast tea at work. Pollen pellets from the farmer's market. Pouring tea Teapot with cups Fresh! Tea bag in cup Relax
A blue teapot with a bamboo handle that I found at a thrift store. A blue teapot with a bamboo handle that I found at a thrift store. I love tea Steaming tea kettle Enter Steaming teapot Fresh!
My tea shelf at work.
Slackware: Those penguins... They sure 'aint normal... Search the stars with seti@home